Quality Disney Magic Model Course in Playa del Carmen
Un servicio de excelencia es el resultado de entender verdaderamente las expectativas del cliente y establecer los procesos y estándares de servicio adecuados para superarlas.
Para lograr un servicio excepcional, se requiere de un contexto organizacional que integre la infraestructura, los procesos y personas, siempre colocando al cliente como el invitado especial en todos los puntos de contacto.
Esto genera una mayor intención de regresar y recomendar a la empresa y al mismo tiempo refuerza su ventaja competitiva.
Este curso se inspira en el Modelo de Calidad y Magia Disney que con más de 90 años ha brindando un servicio al cliente reconocido a nivel mundial por lo que es un referente cuando se trata de brindar calidad y calidez en el servicio a través de:
Lugares que cuidan hasta el último detalle para brindar una experiencia inigualable, con procesos de altos estándares que se monitorean y mejorar continuamente.
Empleados empoderados que cuentan con herramientas y capacitación continua que permite superar las expectativas del cliente, cuyos comportamientos se refuerzan de forma positiva, a quienes se les valora y aprecia, y por tanto lo reflejan en su actitud hacia el cliente.
Objectives of the workshop:
- Get to know the basic principles of the Disney’s quality model, practical and successful way, in order to develop and implement the model into the organization, focusing on continuous innovation and improvement.
- Get the tools to bring an exceptional and excellent customer service.
- Achieve the customer’s satisfaction through attention to detail in every single contact points in order to produce positive feedback.
- Create “Brand Value” to have impact on the customer’s loyalty and also providing advantage against competitors.
- Achieve the development and combine the basic concepts of the Disney’s quality & magic model with different strategies which will allow the adaptation into their own organizational environment.
- Design service standards of quality service to create a consistent service experience.
- Learn from past mistakes and turn them into opportunity areas to enforce the relationship with the customer.
I want to attend. Please click HERE.
Experiencial a través de transportar al participante a sentir la experiencia de la magia Disney con videos, conceptos, anécdotas, ejercicios y dinámicas grupales.
Dirigido a:
Mandos superiores, medios y operativos de empresas dedicadas al servicio al cliente, sin importar el sector empresarial del que provengan.
Para lograr una mayor efectividad en la implementación del curso, así como un mejor retorno de inversión, se recomienda realizarlo In Company, capacitando primero a los mandos superiores y medios, y posteriormente al personal operativo.
Workshop content:
Defining exceptional service according to Disney’s quality & magic model.
- Intro: statistics
- Why Disney? The 7 keys of Disney’s success.
- Secret recipe of the organizational culture.
- Disney spirit: commitment and inspiration.
- Values and beliefs system.
- The invitation mode.
- Cast members: selection process, training, motivation and communication.
- Tournament to bring an exceptional service.
- Attitude and aptitude.
- Leadership: hierarchy barriers.
- Team work: one for all and all for one.
- Commit to the result.
- Key to an effective communication: verbal and no verbal.
- The magic in listening “put the ears on”
The economy of experience.
- 4 keys: emotions, needs, desires and expectations.
- What is magic? Make the elephant fly.
- The magic principals in Moments of Truth.
- Create magical and memorable experiences: unexpected, spectacular and unforgettable.
- The emotions in the service experience: surprise factor.
- Storytelling: the tale magic.
Quality service cycle.
- The integration matrix.
- The magic of the cast.
- The magic of the stage.
- The magic of the process.
- How to bring a warm quality service?
- Obsession for details.
- The 4 service standards: confidence, courtesy, show and efficiency.
- Type of costumers.
Land what you learnt!
- Group dynamic that will put to the test the knowledge acquired during the workshop, making team contests showing effective communication, creativity, passion for service, positive attitude, continuous improvement and innovation.
Duration: 10hrs.
Thursday Aug 22nd from 15:00 to 20:00 hrs
Friday Aug 23rd from 15:00 to 20:00 hrs
PLACE: Oficinas Playa Associates (1ra avenida norte casi esquina Constituyentes, Col. centro Playa del Carmen)
Cost per person: $1,900 plus taxes.
**Use Promo Code: DISNEYPLAYA and get 40%off until August 7th.
Speaker: LCC. Margarita Luna
Printed material and diploma.
This Workshop is endorsed by the Ministry of Labor under registration number SS0-080609-KD8-0013.
“Be Social Education is not an agent of the Disney Institute so this organization does not assume any responsibility related to this training event”